
It's such a rewarding thing to do. My mum used to have this spectacular herb garden. When I used to go from rental property to rental property comma I used to grab cuttings and seedlings from her and plant them in each garden. I swear there was one town I lived in about 20 different places and each one would have had a herb garden courtesy of my mum. Now I plant trees knowing that when I am dead and gone and the land is no longer under my ownership that hopefully someone will enjoy them and thank the person who planted them. A better memorial than a gravestone that's for sure.

Posted using Partiko Android

I’d like to begin a small garden where I reside now. Even had the landlords approval... just a little late in the season now.. the grand solar minimum is going to have us feeling cool temps very soon I feel.

And warm weather plants don’t grow that fast in cool temps..

But I don’t think I could place a lasting image on this recent land I’m living on. Not like how I have at my Fathers. Brambles, which once dominated the land prior to me bulldozing and building the garden... all which was documented on Steemit here some two years ago... not sure if it’s still up but.. now the brambles will have to compete with allll the rotting fruits and beans and pods with their seeds ready to germinate next year under the dead weed corpses that will bury them.

Posted using Partiko iOS