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RE: Ravaged!

in #gardening7 years ago

Dear @englishtchrivy....what a lovely write-up of your day.

The photographs are an enjoyable picture story....... it looks bitter glad you have some veggies from the garden to bring hope you have a cuppa and get warm soon.

Enjoyed hearing about your day mon sounds like you had fun....there are few things more satisfying than a quick working adventure to the garden.

Wishing you and yours a lovely evening.

A bientot.


thanks a lot mon ami

yes pretty cold haha
but it was fun going there as always
I was hoping to see the red breast robin that always hops around beside me when I was gardening in autumn but I guess we haven't been there for quite a long time so it wasn't there yesterday
I guess I got attached I hope it was just there somewhere

I hope its warm where you are!

Hiya.....The red breast the best.....they are the sort that always bring a smile with the cheery look about them.

Do wish you would have had opportunity to see the wee creature though.

No worries....they are God's creatures....He has them in His care.....perhap next time...he/she will say hello.

Cheers mon ami.

NB Thank you for your kind wishes...a bit warmer here....hoping the same for you. Lets have a cuppa.