A few interesting spring treats...

Morning Steemers,
Just a quick post today to share some things I've found interesting in the garden world over the last couple of days.


Some flowers starting to show themselves from within this beautiful Bromiliade I planted just yesterday.

Another Brom doing the same, such a pity about the shadow of my phone in the water.

To be honest my Roses haven't been as good this year but this 'Brisbane Blush' finally showed some love, we really need a good downpour of rain here!

Some healthy carnivore beauties waiting patiently for a feed.

This flower belongs to the carnivorous plant pictured above, small but certainly eye catching.

Thanks for stopping by again Steemers and happy gardening!!

Posted using Partiko Android


Are those your carnivores?

No they are not but I will be trying to get some of my own next time I see them 😉

Posted using Partiko Android