Neat I followed you. I'll have to check out your blog on it. They have most amazing selection of seeds. The seed bank in Petaluma Ca. Is really neat.
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Neat I followed you. I'll have to check out your blog on it. They have most amazing selection of seeds. The seed bank in Petaluma Ca. Is really neat.
I'm guessing a lot of people have been growing food longer than I have at this point, but that should make some of my stuff pretty amusing to the more experienced growers! =) I have grown quite a selection of unusual varieties of fruits and veggies. Plus last year I got almost 70 chickens and four crazy Guinea Fowl... so that is always an adventure! (No I can't eat them. Although I have a few of my 30 roosters I've thought real hard on...) Lol!
Thank you for following my blog too!
I would love to see the seed bank they have... I've only visited via youtube videos! :) I like Bakercreek, Sowtrueseed, and highmowing so far. I have a permaculture project going on here so I'll be sharing a lot more here on #Steemit as time goes on! (They say not to post really involved blogs untill you get established on the platform, so I am saving some of the best stuff for the near future so it gets more views and the information I have learned will benefit more people!
I grew up in Sonoma County so up until a few years ago I went to the seed bank pretty often. I used to work for "keep it green" landscaping as a gardener. The boss and I would run in on our lunch and grab a few interesting packs of seeds. The building was a bank originally and it still has the vault. I'll to have to check out the you-tube vid... I need to get some chicken's myself one day. Those roosters can be mean bastards. Probably wouldn't mind eating one of those every now and then. Lol
I wanted Guinea Hens because of the crazy rise in tics and Lymes here in the N.E. I could not garden without getting bitten. Never used to be so many! I think they are being released... and also the natural predators of tics are being reduced. So after I knew I needed Guinea Hens, I agreed to maybe a few chickens for eggs and so forth... SMH. I didn't want to support the industry just indesciminantly slaughtering tons of baby boy chicks and being mean to the females for eggs either... So Idecided I would keep the boys... but I got way more than I expected... and made a bachelor flock because a homesteader in sweden said it can be done. It can, and mostly it works... but some have fought with eachother and needed to be separated...
I got attacked by the one rooster I really wanted (seriously, I was shaking because I really didn't expect it, and used to laugh at people afraid of roosters!) so we had to have a we throw down a few times( I didn't hurt him), but he's still my baby :D =)! He's pretty good now. Most of our boys don't mess with us so far, but the real test I think will be the next month or two, because they are pretty riled up with spring weather coming on. cringe I actually really love the boys but we'll see what happens... Haha! I was traumatized by watching relatives kill chickens the old fashioned way when I was little, so I would prefer not to have to eat them...
I've been gardening most of my life. My mom had me breaking up dirt clods as a baby lol. My used to raise chickens and pigeons. The pigeons were really cool. Very mild mannered compared to those A-hole roosters lol. He had a couple mean ones...