
Yeah, this year we have lot of them. No need to visit farmers market. 😉

Will you be selling some?

No, it is only for own needs. Part of them will be used for seed, another part - for eating till the next harvest.

Hey erika I don't know how else I can contact you so here I go. I saw that you resteemed a video about how cheap it is in ukraine. Can you please check for me prices of some cars there? Maybe I will make a visit too. :)

Thank you.

I can check, no problem. But I don't think that goods produced in another country (like Germany, England or France) and transported to Ukraine with the payment of customs duties and other taxes will be cheaper than in the country of their origin.
Please note that in the video man was talking about goods, produced or grown in Ukraine...
Btw, I am on Discord. You can find me as Tat'yana (my real name)

 7 years ago (edited) 

Hey erika,

I actually need your 4 digit number on discord to add you as a friend. :) On what discords are you mostly hangout?


2088 P.A.L or Whaleshares