Spring is on the way (in Australia), and it’s time to get serious about growing more food. Make way, lawn, the veggies are coming!

Our little family (me, husband, and our son) moved into this house at the beginning of the year. My husband and I have both been engrossed in new careers and the almighty task of raising the world’s most energetic toddler. So, we haven’t done much in the garden yet – just a couple of small patches to keep us stocked up with salad greens and herbs.
That’s all about to change. We are ready to revolutionise our backyard.
As you can see in the following photos, the digging has begun. Over the next few months, we intend to get several vegetable gardens going, plant a little orchard of fruit trees (and protect it from the cockatoos), build a greenhouse out of recycled windows, add to our flock of chickens, and move our two beehives into the yard. All of this will be done spending as little money as possible.

On this blog, I will share what we've learned growing our own food for the last five years, the mistakes we’ve made (so you can avoid them), useful resources, the process we go through to convert our bare backyard into an edible oasis, and what becomes of the harvest.