A little advice if you try to grow sweet potatoes ...

in #gardening8 years ago

I wanted to grow sweet potatoes this year.

I saw this guide by @quinneaker here on Steemit:


That looked easy enough.

At 2:08 he says 'this is actually a couple few months'.

I'm not sure what a 'couple few months' are, but this is what my attempt looks like after nearly 3 months:

I started late February ...
It looks like some roots are finally growing, or it's going completely rotten now.

I bought these in the store, since I had no other way to start.
They don't sell the 'slips' here.

I'm not sure, if these have been treated with some sort of hormone.
(They do that with regular potatoes to keep them from sprouting)
I bought 'organic' quality - whatever that means.

Other than that I had to change the water twice, because I was growing a lot of algea.
It's usually not even in the sun, I just put it there to be able to take a better picture.

My advice

If you want to plant in May:

Put them in water sometime in January.


I've grown them successfully as you can see in this post and I started in February too - put them on top of the sink and only used tap water. Eventually it's going to rot - it's normal man. I got another one growing in the greenhouse now. Its pretty slow though because its been cold this year - shoot ! Stupid unpredictable weather! haha
Good luck anyway@felixxx hmm.. you know quineaker lives in a place with a different weather than ours - so his formula may need some tweaking on it.

The climate shouldn't really make much of a difference, when I just try to make it grow roots (?).
I've tried all sorts of exotic fruits.
And Texas isn't like the tropics, really ...
It's just an experiment.

do you have willow trees around you?
if you do, cut some of the young tips of it, boil it and let cool
cut the sweet potato into half and let it soak there for three days
the willow juice will serve as an organic growth hormone kind'a boost
then you can directly plant your sweet potato to the soil and just water 2x a day
good luck anyway .. even if you get to grow them, you will have to grow at least 5 to achieve a huge harvest
that's the annoying part about growing them here
if we were in Spain or in South Italy we'll have more luck

Did you check the video by quinneaker ?
I wanted to plant those slips not a whole fruit.

Yeah, got willow trees.

If you cut the sweet potatoes in half before you soak them, you will have better results. Just make sure the cut part stays submerged in the water.

I'll try that next time.

It looks like you have a long wait!

I my be able to plant in July :S

Will you get many sweet potatoes from it? I've grown potatoes in bags- but not sweet potatoes.

Looks like you can grow a number of plants from just one.
It's one sweet potatoe per plant.Check @quinneaker's video.

They are nothing like potatoes. Not even related.

Awesome- thank you.

Yeek. Looks like it might be going foosty!

It doesn't look well :D

I had two sweet potatoes, but didn't get a chance to eat them. They started sprouting on their own. So I stuck them in 15 gallon pots with potting soil. This happened in July or August of 2016. I harvested them in November of 2016 before the frost. I read that you want to harvest before the frost. So my first try and my two sweet potatoes made a harvest of 8 potatoes. I'm sure I would have gotten more if I would have started earlier. I still haven't gotten around to eating those eight potatoes. If they start to sprout I'll go ahead and start growing the next generation of sweet potatoes.