The first summer squash is starting to show a blossom! Astia green zucchini seems to be my quickest producer and I hope to pull at least 500 pounds this season. Yellow and green summer squash are very delectable and work well in almost every dish.
Bolshoi Kale is growing perfectly this year. I chose 3 types of kale that are the least work possible. Most kale requires a lot of work to keep bug free or to remove the bugs so I am trying keep them clean as long as possible. The less wrinkles on the leaf the less problems with bugs us my experience.
I have almost every spot of beans popping. There is only a handful of spots that haven't produced plants or has been killed off by other means. My current problem is finding the ambition to get into the pole bean garden and finish getting it setup and THEN planted. I am super slacking on my pole beans and I hope I am not too late for a harvest at this point. I am also hoping I have the ambition to keep harvesting all beans all season long.
Beautiful planting! It is an extraordinary food. In my country it's called zucchini.
Zucchini is a form of summer squash so I tend towards to parent category. They are all one in the same really, just a slight difference in flavor.
Those zucchini’s are massive!! I wish I was close enough to pick up some from ya!
In my Land its called Zucchini too :D
this is so great, I love gardening! good luck and have a great day GREETINGS 😊
holy smokes! PLASTIC MULCH GARDEN! Very beautiful! You cut the holes in the plastic how I imagined we should do. So many plants
it looks like some plant rows were created at the seams of the plastic...what do u think works better? holes in plastic or planting at the seems?
When I do it next I will be laying it out and measuring my row spacing. I like non seam rows as they just work better with the weeds. Seams can be a problem with allowing too many weeds to pop up, but too many is a VERY relative term. The whole garden is covered so the minimal weeding I have to do, I really can't complain.
The plastic I use is $56 for a 20x100 roll of 4mil black. This plastic will last about 3 or 4 seasons before it becomes too brittle. It just takes making the row cuts and then laying and taking up the plastic each season. SUPER worth it!
Looking great! Mine is just popping up. Still waiting some of the corn and carrots everything else is up.
I can't grow corn here... which makes me a saaaaaad panda. I just don't have enough sunlight to get proper cobs.