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Thank you Llfarms!
I am humbled to hear that. And I am proud to be part of the Steemit community. I am really loving it 😁😁
That would be awesome. I’m a little knew to the site, so I’m still learning . Thanks for reaching out, and for your kindness.


Wonderful! The article comes out on Monday. I will have you tagged in it, so if you are set up on GINAbot then you should get a notification. Also, I think you would be a great addition to the helpie community. Do you have discord? We could chat and I could give you all the details.

Perfect, thank you!
I would love to be a part of the community!! 😁

I have to drop a link here for a private chat. So just tag me @llfarms when you are online

I am glad I found this post and all these great people doing wonderful things. Is that room for an old geek - nerd?

Of course Freedomshift!! Always room for another friend. I plan on being in old geek in the future myself. 😂

You say old geek nerd like it's a bad thing. You both should join the homsteaders discord...great people there

Also check out @helpie to see yourself in this weeks curation report @gardeningchannel

old, geek, nerd are neither good nor bad - just different ways to possibly contribute to the community - and hoping / looking for collaboration.

I was just being silly 😉. Join the homesteaders discord!

I was more referring the "invitaion only" of @helpie or other communities mentioned here and over at the curation report of @helpie.

Oh! I'm sorry I thought you were looking for some one to internship on land together, homesteaders discord would be the perfect place for that. Helpie is brand new and not too many homesteaders are there. I did see that you post about cryptos, we will be adding that category to helpie soon and I have you on the list for it when it happens. Also there is a PAL discord that is amazing for collaborations and also has live radio shows (one is going on right now). Want me to get you a link to that too?

I am here on steemit primarily to encourage, inspire, help and collaborate with my strengths and assets - i have invested in STEEM and Powered up. Today is day 22, but I am already at 513 SP and I want to use my SP to help a few people and encourage them and to make some friends.
My focus is: health, wealth, technology, and leadership - as a Christian.

Beautiful my friend. I am a Christian as well, and my message is food freedom!

Wonderful! "food freedom" is the foundation. Also, we all need to do what you do and especially to get ahead of the GMO invasion of the natural food supply.