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RE: Sprouting and Transplanting Corn Seed

in #gardening8 years ago

So sorry about the surplus of clay! It sounds like you'll have a corn wonderland of composted straw soil soon though thanks to @mandireiserra's great advice! Hope to hear about you having a giant garden one day😊!


Don`t get me wrong I have a big garden, I use the height to go. I have lots of beans and peas. My partner built me these.18486300_10155372328902244_6513335795446818142_n.jpg

That is one awesome trellised box! Dang!

I love them, I had 22 bean plants in one and 22 peas plants in the other, just made it from scrap wood and painted it a couple years ago, it does not take up a lot of space in my backyard. I am a strong advocate of growing heights for more

Nice! I totally agree with you, vertical gardening is the best! Even though I have loads of space I send a lot of things towards space. Beans, indeterminate tomatoes, peas, cucumbers, a few varieties of squash, trellising is cool. One of my favorite trellises is a cattle panel bent into a rainbow. You trellis box though is so pretty, thank you so much for sharing!

I am trying small watermelons on a trellis this year, will post pics as they climb. Follow and you can keep up to date, following you now. Thanks and keep posting