I love your posts about these things! We adore fiddleheads and it's getting close to time for them.
I used lily of the valley and lilacs from my garden for my wedding flowers when I got married on May 9th, my paternal grandmother's birthday. So each year we judge how well they are doing by that date.
The lilacs will get a big boost over the next 3 days with 80's for temps. So they might just make it this year. But overall things are much later than usual.
I'm wanting to make lilac jelly and I have made violet jelly for the last 2 years.
Lilac jelly is so delicious. Even my husband enjoys it. I grow lilly of the valley as well. It's such a phenomenal ground cover. No sign of it yet but it seems like things are in a race to catch up after such a late spring.
You have such lovely romantic stories to share. I just love it!