Mesclun seedlings
Today is the next to last seed starting. We have 9 trays and 192 seedlings.
Snapdragons August 2017
Yesterday I had to go through all the seedlings in the house and figure out which ones could survive in the cold frame. I needed space for 9 trays by the fire and the living room door. There’s no room for them under the lights.
No room under the lights
Last seed starting is May 15th.
Youve got such a great set up for growing your seedlings!
I am so excited to see your gardens this year! I love all of your organization and preplanning.
This garden journal idea plus my other garden posts should give a good idea of all the gardens, if I can get to all of them. I didn't get to all of them last year, so a few are a real mess...
The mescluns are gorgeous!
Yes, I am pleased with them this year! It's been a very good year for some things and very bad for others. As life is...