Come with my into my carnivores moor barrels.
Sarracenia x wrygleiana, Sarracenia hybrid, Dionaea muscipula (from back to front). In the background its a small solar pump installed.
Drosera x hybrida, Sarracenia x swaniana, Drosera rotundifolia (from back to front)
Drosera intermedia all green anthorcyanin free N.C., Drosera binata, Utricularia sandersonii (from back to front)
Sarracenia purpurea ssp. purpurea, Sarracenia x swaniana, Drosera intermedia all green anthorcyanin free N.C., Drosera x hybrida (from back to front)
Carnivores moor barrels nr. 2
Carnivores moor barrels nr. 2
Lot of fun while looking