Several wood floor steam cleaners are available on the market today to facilitate the cleaning of your hardwood floors. Among these cleaners, the best are those who do not spit enough and clean the floors cleanly, with the possibility of controlling the level of steam. Because, during the cleaning, it is necessary that you have the possibility to control the level of vapor not to damage your wooden floor. Indeed, the experiments made it possible to count among the multitudes of steam cleaners, those that are more compatible with sealed wooden floors.
Some tips for cleaning sealed wooden floors.
It may seem difficult to find a good steam mop that cleans hardwood floors. Because wooden floors are not like tiled or cemented floors where even a small diffusion defect of an intense steam of the machine can be tolerated. However, you should not consider it a chore to determine the best steam cleaner for your wood floor, just understand that hardwood floors are hard to clean and require a lot of attention. Thus, a cleaning defect due to the cleaner can cause several damages including the destruction of the protective finish of the wood due to a too high amount of steam or deposits of a quantity of water higher than the norm.
Indeed, the desire to want the best steam engine for wooden floors can lead you on a thousand paths of discovery. Sometimes you have to go through a lot of materials and test a lot of steam engines. This may seem tiresome to you, since you did not know which steam cleaner will have negative impacts on your hardwood floor or floor. So when you need to clean your floor, so that you think you just installed it, the truth is to look for the best steam cleaner for its maintenance. If you choose the wrong steam cleaner or clean your floor in the wrong way when you want your floor to be well cleaned, you would probably do more harm than good.
To this end, to make sure you find the best steam cleaner, you will have to do a lot of research and go from journals to journals, manuals to textbooks and commentary comments for hours. It can take you enough time, the bottom line is to be objective and determined. Once the solution is found, you can maintain your wooden floor as you wish.
So when you are looking for a good cleaner for your wooden floor, it is necessary to determine in the first place what to look for and secondly the best ways to clean the floors. In this review, we will address these strengths that will help you ensure the cleanliness of your wooden floor and guide you when you search for the best floor cleaner. But before addressing these points, it is necessary that you know some precautions to take.
Some cleaning precautions to take
Some important precautions are to be taken in the process of cleaning wooden floors. It is not enough just to have a good steam cleaner for wooden floors, you must also make sure to master the basics before starting to use your cleaner. Otherwise, even with the best steam mop you risk destroying your soil. Thus, below, you have in short some precautionary numbers to take before starting the cleaning of your wooden floor.
Many people have floors that are not covered with varnish or polyurethane coating: these kinds of soils are called "unsealed soils". They are very vulnerable to intense heat and humidity. This means that steam mops that leave a lot of water on the ground are not compatible with unsealed soil. Their use can damage the soil. The wood will absorb the water and will eventually swell like a soy grain immersed in water. This could result in the progressive deformation of your wooden floor. Of course, water is harmful to all laminate floors (sealed or not), but it affects more unsealed than seals. A single cleaning session with a steam mop is enough to damage your unsealed soil. That's why, it is strongly recommended never to use steam cleaners (even the best ones) over sealed laminate floors. Otherwise, you risk renewing your soil several times: which is expensive.
A second important concern to consider and that can be a nightmare, is that the buffer of many steam mops leaves sequels on the ground. It hurts a lot, but in this case, you will have to sand and re-cover the floor or cover it with a carpet. If it happens that with the scratches caused by your cleaner, cleaning annoys you, leave that and put off until tomorrow. Next time you should know that before using a steam cleaner on the entire floor of a wooden floor, it should be tested first on a less visible part of the floor that can be covered with a carpet, a table, chairs, couches, etc. It is therefore necessary to exercise caution during cleaning (not to hurt the whole soil).
A third important thing to consider is the effect of cleaning additives (used by many steam cleaners) on the wooden floor. Although most cleaning additives are ideally suited to laminate floors, the use of some of these products may leave a legacy or be harmful by causing the destruction of its protective layer. This should also be for you, object of reflection whenever the need to clean the soil is worthwhile.