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RE: Garden Update - Sugar Snap Peas

in #gardening6 years ago (edited)

yes sir manwithnoname well..we have a greenhouse but we want to turn that into a workout area. The problem we found when we moved here is that the grocery stores don't have much in the way of fresh local produce.

We were so spoiled in Ohio because we went to a health food store which always had the best locally grown produce, fruits, meats, eggs, almost exclusively grown or raised by the local Amish community so it was all totally organic, wonderful and cheap!
nothing like that here at all, nothing even close to it.
if we had that we wouldn't have to be concerned with vegetables and such.
I've killed so many snakes since we got here I lost count.


You don't need to make the greenhouse into a workout hothouse. It's already hot enough in Texas that you can accomplish that outside. Ha ha.

Sorry you don't have many great options for local, or even fresh produce. That's tough. I don't know much about keeping snakes out of greenhouses, so I won't speculate. I hope you're able to figure something out though. Gotta have those greens.

howdy today @themanwithnoname! seems like it's been a long time for some reason but that's impossible. Anyway, totally behind today, worked some outside and got way behind on Steemit.
came in and hammered out another post for the day, when I started my comments I was 14 hours behind the first one! Or rather it had been 14 hours since the last person had commented.

The fresh food thing is a little frustrating but Aldi's is carrying more and more organic produce and greens so we've been getting a lot that we need from them. In Ohio it was on the bottom of our store list to go to, only went there if we were close to one and just needed a couple of things, now it's our main store! lol. generic as it is, but it IS getting better stuff all the time.

When we finish the greenhouse into a workout room it will be very tight but man! like you said about the heat, that room is like a sauna so it's probably going to take a couple of wall or window units to keep it cool!
thanks Blondie
ps- hey have you heard of Hot Yoga?

Sounds like you've got a lot of catching up to do.

That's nice the selection is always improving. Hopefully you'll get back to the level you were used to.

Yes, I have heard of hot Yoga. Don't overexert yourself. :)

hey Blondie do ya'll have Aldi's where you're at? hard to beat the prices and they are surprisingly getting good stuff in.
that hot yoga stuff, supposed to do it in 85 to 95 degree heat so our greenhouse would be perfect for that right now without air.
I don't do yoga though. not interested. I'm interested in keeping in shape and doing stretching and things just not with that. I hear Pilates is excellent. it's cool not hot.

There isn't one very close. That's ok though. There are Trader Joe's and that's pretty good.

I've heard that yoga is stressful enough without the heat. When you add the heat, it can be too much for your body. At least that's what I heard. 85 - 95 degrees is really hot. Doing exercise in that is not for me.

yes sir, as lawsuit happy as people are I'm surprised they still do it but I'm sure they have a lengthy waiver that everyone has to sign.
Trader Joes is great. Aldi's is just a bare-bones, cheap store.
the one's I've been to have no deli, bakery, no departments at all just a stripped down store for low prices.
so you'd probably hate it.

so you'd probably hate it.

Ha ha ha, maybe so. I do like low prices, but I also like quality.

"Sometimes when you focus only on low prices, you miss out on quality. Just ask the people who eat bologna"