Rain is AMAZING!!!!! I don't know much about much, but my dad said it has something to do with the Co3 thingy majjigy... hehee anyway, yes - I may not have crops like you do, but I do love my garden and can also testify to the amazing growth after good rain! My mom always says... "a smart gardener always waters before/after rain".
Oh... @braaiboy... looks like @steemsouthafrica is kicking off with some melons and a pool party hahahahha!!!!
Well, NOW it's a party! \m/
So.. if there's gonna be melons & a pool... I guess that means I'm bringing my wors :P
LOL! Just keep it in it's wrapper mkay @braaiboy hahahaha!!!
Bewhahahaahaha impossible for him to keep meat in a wrapper, he would just not be the incredible cook he is, were that to happen, wink ;)
!giphy cheesy+grin
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Bewhahahahahaah thought you may like that boet, as did she ;)