If the weeds haven't seeded, just use them as mulch as others have mentioned.
If the weeds have seeded, dig a deep hole, maybe a foot or more, and bury the seeds deep with organic matter that they will rot deep in the earth. It's carbon, and as long as the seed sprouts never make it to sunlight, they become carbon deep in the planting bed soil.
The other thing I do is identify the weeds to see which are edible, I leave most of the ones I want to have next year in the garden.
Purslane is the one I refuse to touch. Lambsquarter, wild mustards, shepards purse, sow thistle, dandy lions, sunflowers, queen anns lace,I let all those live alongside the rest of what I have going on. There is no need to plant lettuce anymore.
If I pluck the non-useful weeds for mulch and leave the others, I find there is only a fraction of the work to pluck ALL weeds. In some cases, only half the weeds have to be addressed.
Also, if you for some reason miss planting a garden for a season, there is still the good stuff growing out there. I have two beds that weren't planted this year brimming with purslane due to unseasonably good rains.
('no till cover crops' may be something useful to look at to choke out the unwanted)
(also watch what plant debris is introduced into the garden, depending on the source these could be loaded with weed seeds)
Hope that helps.