Im missing my garden right now. There is something spiritual about communing with nature. You can almost feel the presence of an energy thats bigger than you the minute you touch the soil. Some say that we are directly connected to the planet. When I moved I was unable to continue my gardening.
Last year was my first crop. I planted a black raddish, cucumber, and cherry tomatoes. I kind of learned things on the fly. Through experience and YouTube videos. I started all from seeds. You basically plant the seeds in the soil and wait. Its almost like the plants are your babies your waiting for them to sprout. In most cases it can be days to even weeks. Theres something about seeing that first growth emerge from the soil.
When it comes time for the plants to be harvested you have bonded that whole time in between. Its a good time to thank mother earth for nourishing and supplying you with this gift.
Im not sure what is, but lately I been thinking of having a farm. No animals just rows and rows of fruits and vegetables. A farm big enough to feed my family, and share with my neighbors. In the near future I want you to see me in a picture with my straw hat and boots on.