Finally experimental planting of avocado seeds using this medium successfully,Avocado fruit that we usually enjoy in the form of juice is usually grown by grafting techniques or with seed planting media. The ingredients and tools needed are very simple, enough avocado seeds are freshly opened from ripe avocados, glasses, skewers / toothpicks, water, tissue paper and knives
Steps 1-3
Fruit the avocado with a knife carefully, not to scratch or cut the seeds. Take avocado seeds, wash avocado seeds with clean water then dried using a tisue
Step 4-5
Before we poke avocado seeds with toothpicks, please note that the avocado has 2 sides of the seed that is the "bottom" side as the roots grow wider and rounded while the "top" side where the shoots grow shaped more pointed up,Avocado seeds on all four sides or three sides using a toothpick with the same distance puncture slowly. Do you know, These toothpicks serve to hold the seeds so as not to be submerged into the water all, this can lead to failure Pick a little tilted (down) so that more of the "bottom" is submerged by water.
Step 6
Place on top of a glass (clear glass glass) with water, position about 3/4 of seeds submerged in water.
If within 4- to 6 weeks the seeds of the avocado will split and come out the buds and roots. If in 6 weeks still have not seen any meaningful growth (sorry ..) your crop has failed and you have to repeat again from the first step with the new avocadoIf your avocado shoot has grown about 5 inches or about 20 cm, cut out half of the shoot so it will trigger the growth of stems and other leaves. Approximately 2 to 3 weeks later it will appear new leaves and more plant roots and even this plant works ..
good luck
What a nice explanation. Thanks a lot on behalf of all the steemiens.
I started my Avocado tree in a similar way with a glass of water. I really like your use of a plastic bottle to start the seed. Very cool idea!
wow amazing