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RE: What Do You Do When You Can't Have A Real Garden? You Make Use Of Pots!

in #gardening8 years ago

We are usually having our own garden every year. This year, unfortunately, this is not possible for various reason.

We were very like you in the beginning, trying things more or less randomly (yeah, I know, information can be found on the internet, and information is often contradictory...). With time, we are getting better and better and we managed to learn from our mistakes!

I am looking forward to 2018 where we will again be able to grow our vegetables again!


Hopefully with a better success ratio then I had this year!

With time, we are getting better and better and we managed to learn from our mistakes!

Sounds scientific. :D And like my experiments at the bench.

So... you are growing your lunches on your benches!!! Damned! :D

Hah, yeah. OSHA would love that :)