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RE: Garden Update – green onions and other thoughts

in #gardening7 years ago

Thank you, and a wonderful Thursday to you as well! Progress really is a tough one. In some ways it would be much better if we all lived in large cities with vertical farming integrated into the city and left large areas of the planet unfenced, undeveloped and reforested.

On the flip side it seems like there are people who feel like we should all be living in smaller hamlets that basically provide everything through sustainable farming.

It is tough to see how solutions will happen, and it does feel like we use a lot of effort doing things of marginal utility while ignoring larger problems. The loss of bunny habitat seems trivial to some people, yet the same forces seem instrumental in the loss of habitat for our favorite species, 'humans' imho.


Absolutely!! And my bunny would agree with you! ;)

I love when you post and give me alternative methods to think about. Thank you!