I grew 100 lbs of fish and 80 lbs of vegetables in 16 square feet!
I lived in Cancun, in a 3 bedroom house with no yard, or not the size yard you would expect around a house that size. More like a cement patio the size of trampoline, if a trampoline was square.
Being so close to the beach made the soil sandy, horrible for growing veggies. I bought bagged soil, used half barrels to grow as much as I could. I managed to grow quite a bit of food in those barrels, to my surprise, and the house was soon surrounded with vegetables growing in every direction.
Neighbors loved it, said it reminded them of their mom, granddad or aunt, and they always had a story to share about someone.
I was running out of gardening space and then discovered aquaponics.
Aquaponics combines aquaculture with hydroponics.
Wikipedia defines aquaponics as:
any combination of aquaculture (raising fish) and hydroponics (the soil-less growing of plants) that grows fish and plants together in one integrated system
Little did I know, that it would end up producing 100 pounds of fish and 80 pounds of vegetables in a 4' by 4' area. That's just 16 square feet.
Basil grew bigger than I've ever seen or thought possible. I was making so much pesto and giving basil away to my coworkers.
This my YouTube video of the aquaponics system that I built right after I planted it and stocked it with
This Is Cool
Aquaponics Will Continue To Grow
Thanks @ann.
Great to read your success story with aquaponics.
@steempowerwhale 🐳
🌞 upvoting your lifetime dreams!
Thanks @steempowerwhale
Simply Amazing. This deserves an Up vote for sure, You got my follow as well. As well as anyone who agrees that this was a awesome thing to witness. Thanks for sharing you experience.
@sirlunchalot Thanks for the kind words , for reading my post and the follow and upvote. Much appreciated
Fantastic technology that has been around for awhile...this will become mainstream and common after the collapse. Great post!
I believe it becoming more popular
Wow, you continue to amaze me! Last year we grew food in the winter (we live in Canada) in a greenhouse heated by a wood stove. It was pretty inefficient. We are looking into aquaponics as a solution to winter growing!
Aquaponics would work well in a greenhouse. I dont know if it would produce as much food as what i got. Cancun weather is so sunny and warm that everthing grows fast. I'm trying an aquaponics set up here now and we're doing it in a coldframe. We'll see how it goes. I definitely recommend growing tilapia though, as they are tough fish that can withstand a wide range of temperature fluctuations. Have you ever eaten tilapia?
Thank you for the tips, we are going to be doing it in our basement if we do this, our temps can get to -15 C sometimes in the winter here. I have tried tilapia, yes, very tasty! Even tastier if it was #homemade :)
Nice, love this post thanks for sharing.
Also, Here are the entries for the Tattoo Story Contest, please let me know what your top picks are.
Let me know your top 3 in the next day or so. Thanks!
I liked all the tattoos but number 3 as far as the best story goes. Wow, life is amazing
Any other suggestions, I got to come up with the top 3
Yeah, the one with the guy that tattooed his girls name on his chest before he proposed to her, and leviathan
Awesome! I'll let you know soon.
Bravo! Sending this to my husband @chadyo for inspiration. He's been wanting to do this for a while.
Cool, it's pretty easy and you can learn how on YouTube