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RE: Adding Beds To The Allotment.

in #gardening2 years ago

Hey mate artonmysleeve - this looks awesome. What is an "allotment" tho? Like some sort of small holding? Do you perhaps plan to create more posts, as I'd like to see your progress?

Thanks for the kind support on a recent post of mine. I'm glad you enjoyed my little nugget of original thought provoking literary content. I'd be ever so grateful if you perhaps consider "following" as well and supporting future content as well.

Thanks again, and hope to see more from your end as well :)


In the UK we have allotments, which stem back to wartime so families can feed themselves. it's not as big as a small holding as I believe they class a small holding as anything bigger than an acre.
The councils give a small space they class it as enough to grow for a family of 5 but I grew enough this year to feed 10 and I didn't put 100% into it either, as I have been busy on another project. next year I am planning on growing more.

I do plan on posting more content, I just haven't had the time over the past few months to get to sit down for an hour to post. even though I wish I could have.