I am noticing any objections being made. I just came back and if you give me a link to find out about this. You know, it will be faster for me!
Thanks :)
he wants to force us to integrate into his blockchain, but we wanna stay with steem and keep our witnesses... we dont want his witnesses to rule over us... yesterday on discord there was this huge meetup major witnesses and anyone intererested in whats going on and i believe the community agrees to hardfork and hence abandon tron and justin sun... steempeak is also currently the only reliable frontend as most other frontends are relying on the steemit apihttps://steempeak.com/b/badge-321321
so basically @justinsunsteemit has bought steemit and as a result the witnesses were afraid he uses his bought stake to overpower the community and vote in his own witnesses, so they blocked him from using his stake on voting for witnesses with the update 22.2. then justin sun was all angry about it and called it a hack, when its actually a community decision and this is a decentralized blockchain owned by the community not by him, so he asked exchanges to vote in his witnesses to release his update 22.5 which enabled him to vote for witnesses, which he did and he overtook the blockchian owning the top 20 witnesses who each have only 17 votes but the majority of steem stake voted for them.... with that steem is now centralized... he promises to remove his votes at some point but no one trusts him...
I have tried to read and study the things you mention here. I don't think I understand much of what is going on. I noticed, everything is really troublesome but also quite interesting.
What can I do or just observe? Please give me advice!
here you can see the witness versions alongside the witnesses and kno what rules each witness would decide for the blockchain... the witnesses on top produce the most blocks and hence decide the rules of the chain.... im glad tho that 10 of our witnesses made it back on top, cuz yesterday the top 20 were still owned by justin....https://steempeak.com/me/witnesses
ok anyone who is running witness version 22.5 should be excluded. also you should make sure to run steem on steempeak since 2 days ago when justin tried to take over steem, the steemit api was down, which most apps are using. on steempeak you can change the api in settings and i use for example the minnowbooster api.
The witnesses I approved are these:
aggroed (has help project to upvote african account content and was the most vocal against the take over)
anyx (one of the api owners)
arcange (upvotes new peoples content)
ausbitbank (api owner and somehow afiliated with minnow booster, was also vocal about this issue)
followbtcnews (minnowbooster)
holger80 (has the steem beem python development kit but i dont know how active he is atleast his python package needs some updating)
steempeak (the site im on rite now)
therealwolf (idk some german guy who was vocal about this issue a lot)
ura-soul (vocal about it)
yabapmatt (owner of some steem game and the steem keychain which is the way i can loginto steempeak since when steemit api is down i cannot use steemconnect)
I am noticing any objections being made. I just came back and if you give me a link to find out about this. You know, it will be faster for me!
Thanks :)
he wants to force us to integrate into his blockchain, but we wanna stay with steem and keep our witnesses... we dont want his witnesses to rule over us... yesterday on discord there was this huge meetup major witnesses and anyone intererested in whats going on and i believe the community agrees to hardfork and hence abandon tron and justin sun... steempeak is also currently the only reliable frontend as most other frontends are relying on the steemit apihttps://steempeak.com/b/badge-321321 so basically @justinsunsteemit has bought steemit and as a result the witnesses were afraid he uses his bought stake to overpower the community and vote in his own witnesses, so they blocked him from using his stake on voting for witnesses with the update 22.2. then justin sun was all angry about it and called it a hack, when its actually a community decision and this is a decentralized blockchain owned by the community not by him, so he asked exchanges to vote in his witnesses to release his update 22.5 which enabled him to vote for witnesses, which he did and he overtook the blockchian owning the top 20 witnesses who each have only 17 votes but the majority of steem stake voted for them.... with that steem is now centralized... he promises to remove his votes at some point but no one trusts him...
I have tried to read and study the things you mention here. I don't think I understand much of what is going on. I noticed, everything is really troublesome but also quite interesting.
What can I do or just observe? Please give me advice!
ye vote for witnesses i guess :P
here you can see the witness versions alongside the witnesses and kno what rules each witness would decide for the blockchain... the witnesses on top produce the most blocks and hence decide the rules of the chain.... im glad tho that 10 of our witnesses made it back on top, cuz yesterday the top 20 were still owned by justin.... https://steempeak.com/me/witnesses
By the way I'm looking for suitable witnesses, which links to witnesses should be excluded?
ok anyone who is running witness version 22.5 should be excluded. also you should make sure to run steem on steempeak since 2 days ago when justin tried to take over steem, the steemit api was down, which most apps are using. on steempeak you can change the api in settings and i use for example the minnowbooster api.
The witnesses I approved are these:
aggroed (has help project to upvote african account content and was the most vocal against the take over) anyx (one of the api owners) arcange (upvotes new peoples content) ausbitbank (api owner and somehow afiliated with minnow booster, was also vocal about this issue) blocktrades busy.witness cervantes followbtcnews (minnowbooster) gtg holger80 (has the steem beem python development kit but i dont know how active he is atleast his python package needs some updating) ocd-witness steemitboard steemitportugal steempeak (the site im on rite now) therealwolf (idk some german guy who was vocal about this issue a lot) ura-soul (vocal about it) yabapmatt (owner of some steem game and the steem keychain which is the way i can loginto steempeak since when steemit api is down i cannot use steemconnect)
sorry may i bother you by asking about the correct syntaxing of a vote operation?
on the github issues page i found this syntax
curl --data '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": ["network_broadcast_api", "broadcast_transaction", [["vote",{"voter":"maxsieg","author":"ura-soul","permlink":"justin-sun-was-only-warned-about-token-freeze-after-buying-steemit-inc-afterall","weight":10000}]],"extensions":[],"signatures":["postingkey"]}]], "id":1, "method":"call"}' https://steemd.minnowsupportproject.org/
on the steem API documentation i found this syntax
curl -s --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"condenser_api.broadcast_transaction", "params":[{"ref_block_num":1097,"ref_block_prefix":2181793527,"expiration":"2016-03-24T18:00:21","operations":[["vote",{"voter":"steemit","author":"alice","permlink":"a-post-by-alice","weight":10000}]],"extensions":[],"signatures":[]}], "id":1}' https://api.steemit.com
which i also could not get to work with responses like
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":null,"error":{"code":-32700,"message":"Parse error","data":{"error_id":"7d700d7a-12d4-4657-a211-01054542602c","jussi_request_id":"000162206875925053"}}}
also not sure why expiration and block refference/prefix is needed for a vote operation....
Sorry for being late to reply. Best place to get support for devs is here
OK maybe I did it right! :) https://steemit.com/tron/@haccolong/have-been-9-witnesses-of-the-community-in-the-top-20#@bob77/fj92f0v0l1j
Thanks all!
I guess I did it right. Even so, I'm still checking back!