So its taken me a year and some care but I've finally had my first Blueberry crop. They started off slow (I have a pair in a pot) but to my surprise when I thought they weren't doing well they produced loads of fruit. Bring on year 2!
So its taken me a year and some care but I've finally had my first Blueberry crop. They started off slow (I have a pair in a pot) but to my surprise when I thought they weren't doing well they produced loads of fruit. Bring on year 2!
Great to see people growing their own food! Looks great :)
Those are some amazing blue berries, how long does it take for them to grow and bear fruit?
I'm not sure from seed but I bought mine around 1.5ft tall in April and they have been fruiting and turning blue for the last few months. Just make sure if you get some always have them in pairs and in slightly acidic soil.