Gardens where I met up with Doc

in #gardening6 years ago

I'd love to have my garden in this great of shape! This garden produces so much that they donate to the local food pantry and have groups that come out and pick produce too.


Squash and Zucchini are already blooming.


Still have a glitch with my picture at times!


Heat sink inside their green house look at the stems on those tomatoes. They are over 5 foot tall! And those were planted late!


Lemon grass.


Going to have plenty of Elderberry syrup and jelly this year. I personally would make some wine with some too!


Potato bins.

These folks have hauled in rabbit and cow manure by the dump truck loads in the last few years, along with tons of wood chips. Their greenhouse is teaming with all kinds of plants, and their outside gardens are going full blast.


I read about planting in straw bales. The video I watched seemed to have a few weeks just to get them prepared before you could even plant something. But the grew plants beautifully.