Beautiful Morning Around the Homestead

in #gardening6 years ago (edited)

Butternut Squash Flower


Butternuts are some of the only squash that do well in our gardens! Yum!

While our main aim is to grow food, beauty is a value unto itself and we seek to cultivate this as well. The process of growing food is beautiful indeed. The rich colors & textures of food from seed to harvest is a part of the fun of growing your own food!

Morning is especially a favorite time of mine. After the morning mists move and the first rays of light hit the gardens... This is one of my favorite places to be! Join me as I walk around our gardens investigating what’s looking beautiful today!!

Beans trellising on Corn in the Classic 3 Sisters Planting


We’ve talked a few times about the 3 sisters guild where you plant corn, squash and beans. The corn provides a trellis for the beans, the beans provide nitrogen for the corn and the squash acts a groundcover keeping moisture in and weeds down.


I loved this little peek at this bouquet of beans trellising on the corn!


Seeking bean...


Kentucky Wonder Beans on a Sunflower that’s passed its Time


This sunflower has had its day and it’s tempting to rip it out of the garden after the birds enjoyed all of the seeds. Yet each day I see goldfinches enjoying this spot as a perch and it acts as a trellis for the beans. Creative trellising!!

Garlic Chives beneath Arkansas Black Apple


Allium Family members are great in guilds with trees as they confuse pests and therefore give the tree a bit of a break in pressure from bugs. These are also tasty to eat.




We are quite excited for the sunchoke yields this year! We got a few new varieties and paid for them with steem over the winter and can’t wait to try em!


sunchoke blooming!

They are certainly beautiful on the landscape. A true beautiful food.

Chadwick Cherry Tomatoes


As I didn’t hustle to start tomatoes this year, we relied on volunteers and also excess seedlings from neighbors. This is a trusty variety from a friend of ours.



Myrtle is our free spirited Americauna who comes and goes as she pleases around the homestead.



Our sweet pup looking at me 💘

Thanks for joining me on my morning walk! What’s growing in your garden lately?


Great photos. I like introducing the "characters" on the farm. With your writing skills, I think we should get a interesting back story for each character. Whats their motivation? How do they forward the plot? lol On a different note, my wife and I love Luci. What type of dog is Luci? we are thinking we need a dog around again.

I like that idea of back stories..Great creative endeavor. She is a "mistake" from a nearby farm. Mom is Komondor, (dreadlock guardian dog) and dad is catahoula (louisiana hunting dog). She's not as "on guard" as our Pyrenees/Anatolian but WAY more attached and attentive. She's a much better listener and doesn't run off.

Lovely walk thru your garden, but I must say - Luci steals the show. What a cutey! It looks like your plants are doing fine and producing well. You must have overcame your drought conditions or did you start getting some rain?

Luci is for sure a sweet heart, especially when I'm squatting in the garden and she insists on getting all up in my space. She's always wanting to be in the action!

We've been blessed with some rains the past few weeks and the plants are looking MUCH happier after that. We also have been did some emergency irrigation. Squash bug have tapered off too.

Thank you for your work towards creating food forests. We're hoping to help with your efforts in the future with a project we have underway.

That sounds great. Food forests for the win!

Such a sweet walk! Love Myrtle, she looks so noble and fierce, no wonder she wanders freely, no one dares challenge her :) Sweet Luci ox Your tomatoes look like they are coming along, hurrah for volunteers. Everything looks so green and happy ox

She's charming, except when she digs at the base of our berries and trees! She has done some damage to boysenberries and raspberries. We're happy to see some great late season growth and the refreshing rains.

oh my, well I guess she is mulching the soil for you :) Glad you're having rains, just hopefully no flooding :)

pretty and I love Myrtle and Luci :)

They are the ones that run the show here...

What is sweet Post. I love these little glimpses into people's Gardens. Not every folks needs to be a complicated thing but just a little window into the life of another and the Beautiful spaces and they inhabit.

Thanks dearie, yeah uncomplicate it! Great to see little glimpses...