Ah thanks so much for your story! I love stuff like that! Thank you!
You may also look into skirret for her! It’s a perennial root crop that tastes very good! Hopefully she won’t be allergic to salsify or skirret too!
Ah thanks so much for your story! I love stuff like that! Thank you!
You may also look into skirret for her! It’s a perennial root crop that tastes very good! Hopefully she won’t be allergic to salsify or skirret too!
Ooh! Skirret? Never heard of it! Time to look it up. Thanks!
I got mine here and would recommend oikos (they also have good Jerusalem artichoke varieties) https://oikostreecrops.com/products/perennial-vegetables/skirret/
I've actually never had Jerusalem artichoke either! Looking forward to trying that too. Thanks!
I used your link to order the skirret, but I can't find the Jerusalem artichoke. Is it also known as a sunchoke?
Yes , sunchoke is the same.