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RE: Overtaken by Weeds/Grass - KafkA Shack Garden Update (suggestions please!!)

in #gardening7 years ago

In my own garden, very prone to weeds and wild plants, I apply permaculture: I use everything that nature provides, often makeing a problem the solution.

One of the things I do to combat weeds is hard weeding work at the start but it decresased significanty with time, and then becomes ultra minimal (15 min for 150 m2). More weeds you have at the beginning, the best it is:

Take out of the ground all the plants you do not want, remove roots also. eventually cut them in smaller pieces for the large ones. Then just lay them on the ground to make a carpet. Surround your own plants of this 'green' trash. It will prevent other weeds to come out, shading the weedlings from the sun, and it will keep the humidity in the ground during heat waves.

I would avoid chemical means, even natural. Use physical ones. For example, I am not sure soap and vinegar would be a good thing for your soil on the long term... and it may diffuse to your own plants.



This is great advice, and exactly the type of route I’d like to take. Thank you very much!
