Garlic & Onion Raised Bed Update

in #gardening7 years ago

Thought I would update y'all as to the latest with the garlic and onions we planted in our raised beds on the No Budget Homestead.   Looks like the onions are doing extremely well.  All the onion bulbs we planted have sprouted up and seem to be doing well.  The Garlic bulbs, well...... Not so much.  

I wanted to ask y'all if Garlic takes longer to germinate and grow than onions.  But, it seems to be that way without asking!  I was really worried weather or not the garlic was going to come up as well as the onions, but as y0u will see in the next video they seem to be doing so much better!  

In this video I  wanted to give y'all an update as to how our garlic & onions are doing after about another tw0 weeks in our raised beds.  We are having some success with our raised bed garden.  I am very happy to see the garlic coming up and doing well.   I guess I am loosing my "Black" thumb as it seem to be turning a bit green!  

The onions are just going gangbusters.  I am looking forward to the harvest of the onions and garlic and all that I can cook with them!  Oh, how I can almost smell the roasted garlic on the grill!  

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Y'all have a Simply Unbelievable Day & God Bless!

--Scott & Little Man..

Joshua 24:15





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“…As for me and my house we shall worship the Lord.”  –Joshua 24:15 

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This is the first year I am growing garlic. I did 2 different plantings, so I guess I'll see which one does better..the first planting or the second. Maybe it won't make any difference! If I have luck with the garlic I am planning on some onions next year! Hopefully you will get a good harvest!

Excellent update! Both crops are looking happy & healthy. Well done!