When it rains, it pours, but I don't stop!
Around here, each day counts and you've got to make the most of them. While weather may influence what you do, sometimes things still need to get done. Today, I had planting to do.
Just check out that amazing corn I received from @mariannewest last year. Now, it's time to plant. With a moist soil saturated with rain water waiting for me down on the land, it was too much not to get down there and plant. In this video I share about gardening in the rain, sprouting seeds, and building a pasture for our herds and flocks. I took the time to dry off first, but I was basically wet all day.
here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and
Wait whaaaaat a green corn ??? Haha, I'm trilingual and I'm really happy with the Operation translation that you and @stellabelle are doing hope this to help more venezuelans, gonna tell my friends. Thanks for all and careful with that strange corn hahaha
Nice on the trilingual! Yeah, green corn, pretty cool huh?
oaxacan corn (sounds like Wa Hawk en) From Brazil. I've been growing this stuff for years now as a flower and mash corn. Fantastic to roast and eat when it's young and just starts to turn green. :-)
Rainy day is super day
I've never seen corn like that. I have some blood red corn that is odd that when it pops its as white as yellow corn.
I love what you do, I like your stuff, but it ain't a two way thing, you just got my last upvote, and I am out, not willing to do a 1 way thing on here, and that goes for all of the old guard.
Sure, I get that. I try to get around to as many as I can. If I see a few comments from users that I haven't seen before I try to check them out. I haven't checked yours yet. In the past month I've voted on 440 other accounts, and I apologize for not making it over to yours. I try to do what I can, when I can man, but I understand how you feel for sure.
Perfect timing for planting of corn, it does require water to enable it grow. I must say, you are truly an harworking man
We must work. It has its rewards though.
Planting corn is a tremendous investment in my country ... Thank you for posting
Wow...i really envy you sir.you so hard working..i do farming also but your maize is quite different from our maize..ours is either yellow in colour or white
Most of the common corn around here is yellow or white, but I've got a variety of others that I plan on growing this year.
sourceCheck out that corn on the left of that photo that @kepo777 is planting. That's another interesting kind.
Wow....and it has same tast like the white and yellow...wish i could really have a tast of it..since this is the planting reason i would have love to plante this,there is nothing better than knowing or doing new things to me is best to try out new things always.
oh camouflage corn or maybe chameleon corn?? While you enjoy what you do, not even the rain stops you, just take precautions for a cold.
Camouflage is my favorite color.
I like it like you pak.kamu so hard work .. i also farm but corn is different from yuung mu yuung ku ku kuning
the unique corn, the usual yellow color, may also be rare, on our planet, no such corn, thanks for sharing @papa-pepper.
Never seen a corn like this before Papa. Yeah, i could hear the rain come down heavy on your truck. Do you ever rest Papa? I like your energy. I like the fact that, you do what needs to be done on time, then rest can come later. "Make hay while the sun shine"...well done sir.
These days, one day a week. Otherwise, only when I fall over out of exhaustion.
So much work to do, i understand. Well done Papa. Please don't get too exhausted to make that happen. I really admire you sir. So much to learn from you.
Thanks for not killing little seedlings. Plants have feelings too! I will be interested in seeing how the green corn grows. I am looking for some blue corn. They make awesome corn chips (small) and tortilla chips(large). Great with homemade salsa!
Yeah, I have not grown my own blue corn yet either! Hopefully one day!
wow I never saw a corn with that color, amazing
@papa-pepper, I love the green corn. I am preparing to plant Blue Hopi corn. We are getting flash flood warnings so I think I will wait until most of the rain has gone by. Keep up the great posts.
Good luck with the corn!!And your homestead sounds like it is wonderfully coming along! So great to watch you building this homestead for you and your family!
It'll be even better when I concentrate on getting on that how of yours! I sincerely appreciate your patience with me.
:) You are a busy man!!! When the time is right, it will happen. No worries.
The green corn looks amazing. I love blue corn chips and tortillas.
I like how you get corn on the cob in Mexico. Lime juice and chili powder. I have found that the seeds here from the papaya is a good parasite killer in animals and humans. So when I eat papaya, I also eat some seeds.
Love the rain! Even love to be in the rain, as long as it is not too cold.
Ah, I love them too! (as you can see in the photo!)
@little-peppers like them too!
That is the way to eat corn! My friend, I made a post about last weekend children’s ministry here. I am nit asking for an upvote, but I think you and the little peppers would be blessed! Please check it out.
Good looking corn!! I don't mind planting in a light rain because you don't have to water them in. But it can suck when it's cold.😨
A green corn? Wow looks weird though. Does it taste alien?
I've never seen such kind of corn! The kid in me is telling me they must have some kind of super powers! 😂
In my country, if such a color is considered rotten can no longer in consumption@papa-pepper. What kind of corn is ..?
oaxacan corn :-)
hopefully this will be a good seed.
Awesome! Nice to see that I'm not alone in my green oaxacan corn. (sounds like Wa Hawk En) I have corn in just about every color: Blue Hopi, Black Zillian, Red popcorn, Glass Gem (multi colored translucent kernels) Bronze dent (actually more like a dark orange) Yellow and white Sweet, green oaxacan corn, and my very own Pastel Cob -another multi color kernel variety of my own work. If you feed oaxacan enough compost it will reach almost 30 feet tall -speaking from experience! It will root out from the first, second, and even 3rd to 4th nodes on the stem. The stalks can reach tennis ball diameters, and the plants can push up to 5 ears per stalk. It's one of my favorite varieties to grow because of it's massive size!
Time doesn't wait for us.
Happy planting sir
Hi my friend. I just saw the @arbitrarykitten jeep challenge. Is it still going on?
It is incredibly cool of you to do this!
Love it!
Haha, farm life. Doesnt matter if it rains, work still has to get done. Getting wet is just part of the job. :D
Did you know that all corn is genetically "modified" and if let alone (if nobody planted corn fields) it would revert back to a grass-like plant with a few kernels in the tassel. Also the Mayans believed man was created from corn. I saw that on a documentary somewhere - Total useless trivia I guess.
This is amazing,i have never seen a green corn since I was born. Wow so surprising. Thanks for this post, I have added to my knowledge today form your post the little I know about corn. Once again thanks.
Some people could say that you took too many selfies with that green corn, but i´m sure that if that beauty was mine i would change my passport and drivers licence pictures to include it. Once i grew a black corn plant that gave me some seeds i hope are still alive, that was two years ago. This is porn (POst about coRN) to me.