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RE: New Paradigm Potty: Our Decomposing Pee & Poo Vortex Where We Turn Shit to Gold

in #gardening8 years ago

I love how "friendly" you've made your potty! We'll be doing the same on our land, and I'm cautious about the day that my "I want my flush toilets" mother comes to visit our homestead. I think your bathroom would at least give her some food for thought.

It's a privileged society that can imagine that its waste and garbage can "disappear" at the push of a button. In reality, my family sees our waste as a valuable, well-designed resource that will be cycled back into our homestead's "system" to continue providing life, health, and fertility. Great photos!


Thank you for your thoughtful comment, @slhomestead! Our New Paradigm Potty has been a deal breaker for more than one individual who came here because they thought they could be all about that sustainable life. It's interesting to observe people's reactions to some of the most basic aspects of life.

Good on you for recognizing the goldmine you're producing every single day!

How sad and fascinating! The no-impact, sustainable life can sound glamorous to some when it only goes as far as organic kale and farmer's markets, but a sawdust scoop is hardly instagrammable. :/

I used to take teenagers on backpacking trips, and that was a fascinating study in human nature. The sudden realization of personal responsibility was sometimes almost visceral.

Oh, also, I laugh every time we visit our feed store and see bags of "Milorganite" for sale as fertilizer. Most folks don't realize it is the processed SEWAGE FROM THE CITY OF MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, made nice-looking and packaged attractively. They are paying for crap. Other peoples' crap, and it's hilarious.
