
Wow, amazing work my friend, so much attention to details, very inspiring!

I was wondering, what are you making the enclosing from? (both the reservoir and the pipe covers) is it wood? or plastic?

Thanks for sharing

Thank you. It is wood, well a compressed wood with the white laminate on it, like a cabinet. I was able to get them in 8 foot lengths from the hardware store (Home Depot here).

Thanks for the info, i am going to try that!

Did you had problems with the wood getting wet and swallowing? You also mentioned you tried to grow outdoors, was it with a similar unit?

Sorry for all the questions :) it's just that you did such a great job, so I am trying to pick your brain on my attempt to improve my units :)

Thanks again

On the indoor system, the pipes and feed lines carry the water, the wood never gets wet from it.

My outdoor systems are similar, but the cover boxes are built from pressure-treated wood that is meant for outdoor environments and then stained to increase water resistance.

This link has info on how I built that one.

 7 years ago (edited) 

Wow amazing work! really!
Thanks for sharing