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RE: Vegetable Quiz with Prizes! - The #fruitsandveggies challenge by @barbara-orenya - Identify My Entry!

in #gardening8 years ago

Great post my friend, that purple one drove me crazy as I knew it wasn't asparagus, I have never seen hops in person so would never known. lol I used to have a redbud tree and it was my favorite. So beautiful in bloom. Great contest!


Here's my new post about hop shoots, if you are interested. It shows how I harvest and eat them. I've posted one about the redbud flowers, too.

Thanks, @sunscape! It is strange how the first hop shoots look so different from the ones later in the spring. They are an interesting plant! I'm glad you have enjoyed Redbud trees. They are such a pretty landscaping tree, even without eating the flowers. They are so pretty!