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RE: The Solution to the Crypto Bear Market - My Money Tree!

in #gardening7 years ago

Ha! I just started to post about gardening using hydroponics, and my experience with cryptocurrencies! You touched on both topics in one post!

In bear markets like this, I try to ignore the lackluster earnings of my ASICs, and instead focus my energy on growing food. No matter what, I have at least one hobby that is saving or making me money!


Haha, I'm just searching for something to turn things around in this bear market. Luck doesn't seem to be working, maybe I should just be eating strawberries instead.


I'm hoping that it starts turning around with the news about more retailers wanting to invest in cryptocurrency! But really I'm not going to start holding my breath till June/July. In the meantime, crypto is on sale! Buy buy buy! lol