Mid May Gardening

in #gardening5 years ago

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Big updates

So when I was on the trampoline I discovered miniature potato sprouts.

My in-term kale pot has started small blooms of seedlings.
20200510_091538.jpg I'm also waiting to see if my tomatoes will come up that I planted around last week, I just want to make sure they sprout.

Sadly, five tomatoes fall off the railing on my backyard deck and are seriously crippled.

Future prospects

I am currently waiting on two pots full of tomatoes, red onions that were sowed in the ground around 5 days ago, potatoes and carrots. Probably strawberries and one or two peppers this year and I think are butternut squash.

Well I'll have more next time, Cya!

07:00 MST MONDAY,MAY 11TH, 2020


Gardend cast

Welcome to Gardend cast. A podcast for gardeners by gardeners. Episodes every Tuesday now 2:00 pm mountain daylight time, until I can get back on track. http://bit.ly/2DwS4mK My blog https://gardensandhealth.blogspot.com E-mail} [email protected]
