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RE: June 1 Around the Garden

in #gardening4 years ago

Things in the garden are coming along really nicely. Every time I see that rail system, I'm totally impressed.

Here is the bounty from a picking.
P1200522 1.JPG Blueberries, my all-time favorite. We are fortunate to have a field of wild blueberries that we harvest from every year. You can pick them until your arms drop off. Last year we picked 55 pounds of them. It took @farm-mom and I 10 different excursions to the patch to pick that many.

The trail to the berry patch is not an easy one, so I've been transplanting some of the young offshoots back here on the farm so that when I can no longer make the hike, I still got my berries.
Maybe I could build one of those rail systems to get me back and forth to the berry patch. 😁

Have a wonderful day.


It's good to have a blueberry patch close to home! 😀
You could probably build a garden railroad if you wanted to. You can get aluminum rail that's easier to work with than using steel T-posts like I'm doing, it just costs a bit...
You can get all kinds of stuff for a backyard railroad, but nothing is cheap. That's why I'm doing it the hard way, it's the least expensive way...

Very interesting concept for using around the garden. I love staying busy, I may have to add that to the list, the never-ending list that @farm-mom keeps nice and FAT.

She has to keep you busy somehow... 😀

Staying busy keeps us oldtimers sharp.

True enough, or at least less dull...LOL

This reply made me LOL. 😁