
Pastures are important too :) I'm sure you have a very healthy ecosystem in there!

We certainly have lots of bunnies. ;-)

AWWWW!!! hahahahaa a good reason to NOT grow food eh? I've heard bunnies can be quite the trouble in the ol' garden!

But they're very cute to watch hop around in the yard.

Agreed! Where we used to live, in the Canadian prairies, we would have these huge jackrabbits that would hop around our suburban neighbourhood, and our kids would have a lot of fun trying to catch them, of course they never stood a chance LOL! Wasn't until we visited Ontario, that I got to see some actual bunnies, and they are SOOOOOOOO much cuter!!!!!! The jackrabbits actually kinda scared me lolol.

In the grass that I do mow, there are a few places I've skipped because I know there are rabbit holes and watching the little bunnies is a favorite past time.