As the world becomes more fragile against the effect of a changing #Climate, #LandDegradationNeutrality sets the path toward true land-based #SustainableDevelopment. It's a wise investment in everyone's future. Lend your support, register your event and join the global #2019WDCD campaign
The Greens is a grassroots environmental organization that strives to educate, inspire and engage young people to take action to combat climate change and be at the forefront of biodiversity conservation and waste management.
Founded in 2010, @thegreens have been able to use arts, sports, media and ICT to educate and engage more than 10,000 young people in Green Poetry, Green Music, Green Arts, Green Radio, and Conservation Champions League.
Her tree planting programs have seen the organization create 04 Community Tree Nurseries, planted more than 300,000 trees and together with @kedjom-keku we have acquired 1000 hectares of afromontane forest in Kedjom-Keku Village of the Bamenda Highlands of the North West Region of Cameroon for the creation and conservation of Kedjom-Keku Community Forest
@thegreens is currently engaged in Waste Management (Waste Business Hub); Plastic Waste Upcycling, Tire Upcycling and Textile Waste Recycling via @ecodesigns.
Her #EndPlasticPollution Campaign has seen the organization sensitize more than 100,000 people about plastic pollution, upcycled more than 10,000 plastic bottles to create UPB Vertical Gardens, UPB Tree Nursery Pots, etc.
Her Textile Recycling Project (@ecodesigns) is currently training 13 young girls for free in textile recycling and fashion designing and has recycled more than 5000 pounds of textile waste.
Her Tire Upcycling Project is educating and engaging young people in schools and communities to #StopBurningTires and upcycle them to create Mushroom Tire Seats, Tire Flower Pots, etc
Support us to continue to educate, inspire and engage young people to take action to combat climate change and be at the forefront of biodiversity conservation and waste management.