Oklahoma Drought / Farmstand Update

While the weather isn't quite showing it, Spring is here! The cardinals, blue jays and meadowlarks are back in full force, with a smattering of blue birds, sparrows, crows, hawks and finches.

Normally we would have had some measurable precipitation to get things going, but it looks like we're going to have to wait. Weather wise, the patterns are setting up in a manner similar to 2011, which is not a good omen for us small farmers. The drought of 2011-2013 wiped out a lot of gardeners, almost including myself. It was horrible.


Currently, we are in a severe drought, but for Oklahoma this isn't "abnormal". Before the days of the scientific reporting of drought conditions, we didn't really concern ourselves with such measurements. The fields are going to be planted irrespective of the conditions. The new data just allows us to make better judgement as to what gets planted and when, helping us to minimize the potential losses while maximizing the potential gains. I really don't see how the old-timers got along without the information, but somehow they did and got by just fine.

Many cattle farmers, who would normally rely on spring grazing of wheat fields have already been hauling hay for their animals. Hopefully the rains will come soon to provide a bit of relief.

Soil moisture, while a bit lower than desired, will still allow planting for my small crops (spinach, lettuce, kale, etc) in a few weeks. Early potatoes should do well this year, but I'm not going to expect a bumper crop.

Things have been going well concerning the opening of my farm-stand. It looks like we're going to have it open on Wednesdays and Sundays starting in mid to late April. While I still have a full-time, off-farm job, I have a retired friend who will be running it for me and is willing to accept produce and Steem as payment.

Composting is running a bit behind schedule, but I should have a few tons available for sale by the time the farmstand opens. I've been working on a process to compost road-kill and having good success. Originally I was concerned with the potential of having odor problems, but have found that by increasing bio-char and woodchip ratios, the odor is non existent. Refinement of the process is still in progress, but I can foresee few problems.

I will be adding several products to the farmstand this year which I don't produce myself. It takes the skills of more than one person to be successful. I've found other farmers to produce eggs and sweet potatoes, and am currently searching for other farmers which believe they will have excess of produce which they are willing to sell.

I've also been toying with the idea of selling baked goods, which could profitable.

Anyway, that's the farm update!


It really has been a dry winter here! The farms near me have been planting regardless and haven't really sprouted much of anything. I just started some green and Napa cabbage, onion, and cilantro inside which we'll be transplanting end of March if the weather looks good. This week if the warming trend happens as forecasted, I will be tilling up to direct seed some beets and turnips. I'm not sure how far away you are from me, but if things go well I might consider teaming up to help with your farmstand. Also, we recently started brewing kombucha which might be fun to sell.

I'm just north of Stillwater. The dust has been horrible here.

I love kombucha! Wouldn't mind getting a case or three for the farmstand!

My stand is going to be in a REALLY small town (population under 600) but it's right across the street from a church and less than 4 blocks from 3 other churches. We'll see how it goes!

That's not too far from here, I'm just east of Edmond. Depending on how our growing goes I might have to link up with you. I'm really interested to see your growing operation too!

I wish I could give you some of our rain. I'm in the opposite position.

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