"There’s less stress involved with plants as opposed to living animals." -- uuhhh, i don't know that i can agree with that! living animals tell you exactly what they need (usually food or attention). plants make you guess. more sun? less sun? maybe they're too warm? maybe the soil isn't right. CILANTRO SEEDS WHY WON'T YOU SPROUT?!
as you may have guessed, there's a bit of drama in my life right now with the plants. LOL =D
your future garden space is awesome
haha I'm currently dealing with a rabbit with bloat and having had rabbits for only two weeks I might be a little bias against animals. We also lost our first animal last week. We're having a hard time haha.
and yet, even with all the drama and the loss, there's no other way we'd rather have it, right? hope things smooth out for you here soon! <3
So true! Thank you