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RE: Call Me A Dumbass...Before I Grew My Own Food, I Had No Idea Vegetables Had Flowers

in #gardening8 years ago

Good points and awesome pictures. It's amazing how much of our food relies on just a few insect species for pollination.

It sounds like most of your neighbors are cool with your "food not lawn" approach. I've heard that some towns (at least in the US) have actually made this illegal! I hope you don't catch any trouble for doing this.

If we do wind up staying where we are for much longer (it's a long story...) we'll probably be expanding our gardens. Biggest challenge here is that the deer and rabbits keep eating everything up.


Ooh yes, our neighbours are super cool with it, but we do live kind of rural, so not many restrictions out here anyways. Yeah, I have read all the news coming out of the US, it's just sickening the things that have been happening in regards to collecting rain water, and front yard gardens SMH!

I have no clue how to keep rabbits out, maybe an inexpensive greenhouse would solve the deer and rabbit issue?