Hive Community Garden Journal Challenge My May 2020 Entry

in #gardenjournal5 years ago

Hi Garden enthusiasts,

I just found that the garden journal challenge is still active. I had participated before when we were still renting that old place with a small space for gardening. We had been on lock down when we visited my parents and stayed there for two months. We are all bored with little things to do. Being a garden lover I tried to make myself busy planting anything. I have no plan or structure I just planted whatever is left from what we consumed like the following :

Kiat Kiat or Mandarin Orange

I am happy to see the seeds I got from this sweet mandarin orange sprouted after 5 days. I am not into planting seeds and waiting years to see the fruit but this time I tried and was happy and hopeful

Kangkong or swamp cabbage

Kangkong is a popular vegetable here in the Philippines. We use the young leaves and stalks to add in a sour soup, steam or blanch as a side dish and more. This usually grows on water but I planted a leftover stalk on a pot of soil and it grew. Problem is the cats trample on them when they play

Ampalaya or Bitter melon

My favourite to grow because it is easy and fast. I had posted before about my Ampalaya harvest if you had been following me

Sayote or Chayote

This is not successful because of the red ants.

All sorts

Sorry guys for this photo. We got everything dump here. A wild yam the heart shape leaves and beside it a lemon grass. The crawling at the bottom is a squash then above it a spinach. This is from the road side already as we have not enough space to plant

The following just showed up by themselves not sure what they are

Photos above we suspect are mulberries but we didn't plant any mulberry and where are we going to get one. It grew bigger and now we notice it. Not sure if we keep it or prune it
Can you guys tell what this is?
This I believe is talinum or Surinam spinach, it grew along with this ornamental plant.

That's my garden journal for May hope you enjoyed reading my post

I encourage you my friends to participate in this challenge go and check out this link

Much love


Nice! So many veggies I don't know. Gonna do some research on them.

Those Yam leaves are huge! I have planted Chinese Yam (cinnamon-vine) last year as an experiment. It's such a beautiful plant.

Shame about the Chayote. I have been growing those for 3 years now. I actually didn't plan on growing it this year (because I wanted to keep it small, not because I don't like them), but it seems like my garden has decided against that. Apparently I did not remove all of the roots of last year's prickly chayote from one of my beds, and the plant started growing again. I didn't know they could do that - I always thought you needed the fruit to start growing a new plant. Guess I was wrong 😁

Thanks for joining again!!

I had to Google cinnamon vine real quick hmmm its vines look like purple Yam to me. Yeah the chayote got attacked by ants, I also thought I need to start from a fruit each time because we normally just remove the vines when harvest is done.

Yes! So many great gardens on Hive (almost said Steem from force of habit and years with @simplymike and the challenges there!)

Love seeing what people are growing from around the world. Great work and I can’t wait to see how it turns out.

Thank you for dropping by. I miss joining this garden journal because we moved to a new place where gardening isn't possible because of lack of space. If it's not because of the quarantine I would not have visited my parents and utilised their small garden which is shown on my photos.
