House and Big garden April 6, 2004
On Wednesday I set to work on the plant notes. I just had the seedling notes left to do. They are filed in groups (A -B, C-D, etc.) so I did a group at a time and made it up to P by noontime.
It was a dark cold day and a good project for inside. But I didn’t get any photos so I looked through my archives and found these of past Aprils. I didn’t have any on the computer prior to 2004 so I started there.
The magnolia tree is so tiny! And there’s still the atrium door on the front of the house and the old windows.
Front pasture April 30, 2007
From running through the photos for each year it looks like if we were going to get snow in April in happened mid month. But mostly, it was just turning green.
Back 40 and pasture coops April 2009
Tom was here and we got caught up on all our doings. He was “working from home” for the first time in a long while at his “office” here at the house.
Sunrise April 27, 2010
It was a sort of a surprise, 3 years down the road, the see photos of what the yard used to look like before the construction. All the big trees…
The yard set up for spring April 2011
The giant dance floor picnic table I still miss every year.
The clothesline April 3, 2012
I start hanging clothes out in April each year. I haven’t done it yet this year.
Snow on April 16, 2014
When we did get storms they never amounted to much and soon melted away.
April 30, 2017
My husband had made me this long shelf under the dining room window and I’d plant windowboxes to go on it each year. Can’t do that anymore as the window is too high now.
April 28, 2018
We had no idea of the changes coming after this spring.
April 13, 2020
I had several photos of rainy days in April. This one highlighted the forsythia and daffodils well.
April 15, 2021
I liked how the magnolia photobombed the picture of this rainy day.
April 12, 2022
This was the evening and the moonrise looking up the driveway.
I spent the afternoon trying to save vanilla beans that had started to mold and making chicken noodle soup for supper. It had mushrooms in it, @riverflows!
On Thursday I have both helpers here. I plan to get my new glasses, do some shopping and errands early with my general helper, then head out to the workshop and see if we can finish it up. My helper friend comes at 11:30, just before my general helper leaves at noon.
It would be interesting to see how the trees grow every year.
The trees are all gone due to construction starting in 2019...
That’s nice to have records of changes to the yard and farm every season. I really have to get organised and become less haphazard about taking photos of all the trees in the garden.
Its been extremely hot here this April which is the hottest month of the year. We could send me your cold weather!
It is always interesting to see how many changes are made over the years. Gardeners never leave anything the same from year to year, lol.