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RE: Such Progress!! Steemit Community Garden Journal (Oct 2018)

Grass is pretty forgiving, so hopefully a lot of it takes care of itself, and you can speed up the process around the house. I still can't get over the neighbor not offering assistance or money or anything. His mama did not teach him many manners :)


haha! very true. Well if this was in Ohio or Canada all the snow sitting on it all winter would really tend to even out the ground but there's no snow here. Which Mrs. J really likes. I like snow.

Of course, I didn't think of that! I love the snow too!! I think it is soooo beautiful :)

Keep Mrs. J happy.

it is beautiful. I'll try and keep her happy yes. lol.

What's the saying, happy wife, happy life ? :)

boy ain't that the truth! no truer words ever spoken.