I adore your garden! You have planted such a nice variety of unique plants. I hope you get a bountiful harvest from every one of them. I ordered a bunch of unique seeds to plant this year, but travel plans happened and I'm going to save them for next year instead.
I just realized you are from Belgium. I had the opportunity to visit for a few days and fell in love with your country. I hope to be able to visit for longer period someday, and perhaps even buy property there. :-)
Cool, although I can't imagine why anyone would pick Belgium out of all those wonderful places in tbe world, lol
Really? Belgium had such a neat, laid-back feeling to it. It seemed much less corporate than the other countries I visited. Real estate was definitely on the cheap side where I was in Dinant. The people we met were all chill people - most of the stores we stopped into had the owners on site. I just really loved it. Of course, I was only there a couple days and only in one city. I'm sure that makes a huge difference.
I guess the idea of a country just depends whether you live in it or not.
I agree that most Belgians (definitely not all of them, lol) are pretty laid-back.
At least that's what the Dutch always say about us :0)
What would you say are the worst parts about living in Belgium? I'm in Cleveland, OH and I'd have to say it the weather and the racism. The winters here are awfully cold and snowy and last for what feels like 10 months. The racism is rampant! I've never been in a place where people are so divided by ethnicity.
I think I would pick the same two things. Qlthough winter only ladt from November till March - if we're lucky.
And racism... it's all around. It's aweful how people think they are better than others just because the color of their skin. A lot of big cities are ruled by parties of the right wing, with all consequences related.
And me... I'm allergic to racism. It's something I can not understand at all, still, it's everywhere around me, every day again... :0(
I like that - allergic to racism. Yes, I don't understand it either. Where does it come from? How has it gotten to be so ingrained in the mindset of some people? Makes no sense to me.
Me neither. I'm a very empathic person. Most of the time I can put myself i someone dlse's shoes and understand why they say or do something, but racism is an exception to that. I simply don't get that state of mind.
Always nice to hear that there are others, lol
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