
Some great pics you’ve got there.Thanks for joining, @pretty.dorky.

This green girl is still watching from a distance while the girlfriend takes care of the garden 🙄
I’ll have her to be a green girl too by the end of this season, I guess, lol.
Little bit frustrating not to be able to do a lot; the garden looks like a big mess. Lots of veggies growing, but even more weeds. (Can’t get her to remove those, so I’ll just have to learn to live with it).
Fortunately, once they are in the ground, the veggies do most of the work themselves :0)

Since I’ve been out with a migraine these last two days, I can’t upvote this comment manually anymore. I’ll choose two of your other comments to upvote, so you’ll get the same reward as the others.@pretty.dorky, using a bot to give you the promised upvote on this comment didn’t work out like I planned.

Ugh I’m sorry to hear you’ve had migraines! No bueno. Hope you’re feeling better now. I empathize greatly with you not being able to care for your garden this year. I know it must be frustrating. If I could, I’d pull allllllll the weeds!! It’s one of my favorite things to do! So satisfying... like I’m saving the alliance from the rebellion or something. 😛
Thanks for the payout... I’m not worried about it. Whatever works. 😉

That's one upvote :0)
Will recharge VP before I do another.

I completely agree about púlling weeds. It gives me the same feeling of satisfaction. 😜

Thx @simplymike! And thank you for your continued delegation! Without it I’d be dust. I feel like I haven’t made much progress in my own SP. If you need it back for someone else, I’ll understand. 😀 I’ll cry, but understand 😆

You're welcome. And yours was a gift, so you can keep it as long as you want/ need ;0)


And your second upvote :0)