I hear you with that broccoli! I planted this cauliflower when it was about two inches high and now it is about three foot high and no sign of a single cauliflower (it is supposed to have eight-ten tennis ball size cauliflowers). I've been watering it and staking it and talking to it for months and it's now just producing branches and more leaves.
The broccoli now, on the other side of the steps, keeps on keeping on, in spite of every slug in the district thinking it is the best restaurant in town.
But, in fairness, I think both of them are late winter plants, the broccoli maybe even March-April. I didn't think about it when I planted them, but another time, I'll put them further towards the back of the garden.
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Glad to hear it's not just me. I think you have the summer version and the winter version of both crops. Maybe we both have the wrong version for this season....
Sorry to hear your broccoli gets eaten by slugs. I spray mine with a garlic-based spray, and it seemsto work to keep slugs away. Of course, because of the extreme drought this summer we haven't had as many as usual...
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