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RE: @quinneaker Stabbed Multiple Times On His Own Land; Assailant Walks Free. Graphic Photo Included.

in #gardenofeden7 years ago

And what would you say? They will LAUGH at you, the ACLU won't even talk to you after that. How many times did you call the ACLU over similar issues? Zilch, but keep giving people advice as if there's a lick of expertise or experience in that.


How many times did you call the ACLU over similar issues?
Zilch, but keep giving people advice as if there's a lick of expertise or experience in that.

Thanks for admitting you never called them, but keep giving people advice as if there's a lick of expertise or experience in that. You seem a little mad bro

reply #3, is the third time going to be the charm?

Hey, I'm sure you have someone to troll, don't let me take your time with your revealing expertise in... "don't you have to mow your lawn where you live?"

And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know.