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RE: @quinneaker Stabbed Multiple Times On His Own Land; Assailant Walks Free. Graphic Photo Included.

in #gardenofeden7 years ago

I'm so sorry to hear that this has happened. None of this is right. I am curious though, what charges Quinn is being held on? It doesn't make sense for them to be able to actually hold him without something even though this is done in police jurisdictions from time-to-time. I know there could be other things at play here as well to be fair to all parties involved.

However, the stabbing should not be ignored by the law.

In your story, there are many pieces of information missing. What charges is Quinn being held on and are you guys working on resolving/abolishing those?


He's charged with assault with a deadly weapon and yes of course we're addressing this injustice - it is our #1 priority.
Forgive the late reply as dealing with this requires a lot of time and energy.

Yes there is much more information, and we will bring forth everything we have. Unfortunately there is not quite enough time to do everything that needs to be done in real life to protect and defend Quinn and to be online at the same time.